Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wine and Canvas

Back in July I had the chance to do something really fun with some friends: a Wine and Canvas painting class. Basically there is one instructor at the front of a room, and then about 20 people who each get their own easel, brushes, and paints. The instructor walks everyone through how to recreate a painting. Sometimes they do famous paintings, but the night I was signed up for was just a yellow background with some flowers.

Although I love to do crafty things, I have never really tried painting before (except for art class a zillion years ago in school). It was really fun! And you don't need to know how to paint at all, since the instructor tells you things like "pick up the biggest brush in front of you, add a little green paint, and then make a line from here to here."

The classes are held in different restaurants in Fort Wayne. The wine part of their name comes in because you can order food or drinks from the restaurant and they are brought right to your painting station. Wine and Canvas is a franchise, so if there is one near you, I'd definitely recommend checking it out. It was tons of fun!

Here are some pictures from the class:

1st grade

School started here this Wednesday. Samuel is now in 1st grade, which is a little bit of an adjustment for him since it means he will be there all day (instead of just the morning like he was in Kindergarten). Here he is before getting on the bus that morning:

Boarding the bus:

Checking out his locker (we took this picture last week during registration):

At back-to-school night this week, his teacher had hung up self portraits that the kids made. Here is Samuel's:

So far he seems to really like his teacher. I know it's only been 3 days, but things are off to a good start!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mission Accomplished!

Check out what Samuel figured out how to do yesterday:

We have been working on this off and on for a long time, so we are all thrilled he figured it out!