Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Breakfast of Champions

This morning when Samuel woke up, we had the following conversation:

Samuel: "my eat banana?"
Me: "Sure, you can eat a banana."
Samuel: "my berry hungry whoa-whoa" (I'm very hungry for yogurt)
Me: Well, let's go downstairs and get some yogurt.
Samuel: "my berry hungry marshmallows"

Can't blame the kid for trying.


Jennifer McHam said...

Ha! Too funny! Tristan just discovered marshmallows when we used them to bribe him to blow his nose :) HE LOVES THEM! He'll blow his nose a dozen times, way past the time he needs to, just to get a marshmallow. Or should I say, TWO marshmallows! He's such a tough negotiator...

Bridget Zucco said...

Nope, can't blame the boy for tryin'. hhaa! What a chip off the ole' block....hmmmmm, which block?