Monday, June 9, 2008

Dear Monty,

You were, without a doubt, the best dog in the entire world. Anyone who had the good fortune to meet you would say the same.

You were the dog that other people would meet and then decide they wanted one of you. After they went out and got their own dog, they realized how different you were.

You considered yourself to be a person in a dog's body, and would give us looks that clearly said "why am I being forced to do these silly dog things?"

When Bella first came to live with us in 2002, you weren't so sure about her. After awhile, though, you decided she could stay.

You loved kids, and your ears would perk up whenever you heard them playing outside. You were always gentle with Samuel, even when he would pet you a little too enthusiastically, or would claim your blanket as his own.

You didn't jump up on people or lick them. In fact, you so rarely gave kisses that it was an honor to get one from you. You loved for people to pat you, and if they stopped, you would nudge their hand with your head for more.

With the exception of the evil squirrel that taunted you and Bella in Parker, you were always nice to other animals.

You loved to go for rides in the car. So much so that one time you jumped into a car that was just being cleaned, not taken for a ride. We didn't know you had jumped in there, and found you several hours later, patiently waiting in the back seat.

You had wonderful fashion sense, and loved to show that off:

You were Ernie's faithful companion since he was 19 years old. You two loved to go for walks in the woods in NH, and for rides in Ernie's truck.

We were blessed to have you in our family for as long as we did.

Although we are sad that you are no longer here, we know you are in a better place now. A place where you can walk without pain, a place where there are no scary thunderstorms or fireworks. A place where, perhaps, a giant conveyer belt goes past all day long, bringing you bowls of ice cream, pieces of bacon, and - your favorite - cheez-its.

We love you Monty, and we always will.


bnorwood8 said...

Dear Monty blog is very touching.
My heart breaks for your family.
Monty was the best dog anyone
could want.He had quit a life
story including when he sat near
Ernies dad day in and day out while
he was sick* protecting Him as he was so good at.

Sara and Ernie you have a very
good start of a best selling book.
Children need stories like these
to let them know it is ok to love
their pets and miss them.Iam in
tears but also feel so good to
see that it is ok to love ones
pet so much.Please create a book.
"Dear Monty "would be a good title.
I did not know about the car story.
This is a great tribute to a wonderful animal which was a true
member of the Ernest & Sara and Samuel Norwood family.I remember
best *when you Sara would take
Monty for a ride.He was so proud
he walked with his head held high
and would prance behind you
and all of a sudden he would
look back real quick to say "see
Me,Ernie iam going for a ride with
you lady".No doubt in my mind what
Monty was thinking.
God Bless you all for loving this
kind dog until Jesus took him home.
Yeh Samuel Memere is old and she
likes Chocolate pudding too very
See you all in July.

bnorwood8 said...

correction*Yes,Samuel memere
is now old and she likes chocolate
pudding very much!!!
Memere is 61 years old.

Iron Eric said...

So sad to hear. I hate loosing pets. The stories and unconditional love makes them so special.

All-Stars said...

We are sad to hear about Monty's passing. Your family will be in our prayers during your time of mourning. Here is a quote I found about dogs that really touched my heart.

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.”

Jennifer McHam said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know! Oh guys I'm so sorry. I'll have to wait to tell Mark when he gets back in town - he's going to be so upset. I'm so sorry. We sure did love that guy.

Angie and Gang said...

Ernie and Sara, I'm so sorry for your lose. You truely have a wonderful way with words! This is a great tribute to Monty.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Bridget Zucco said...

Gosh Guys this is so beautiful. I loved that big ole pile of fur and cuddles. I know I've all ready told you that-but I've not been able to get on here to see this in about a month. I can't believe I'm sitting here blubbering over a dog-but you know, he wasn't just a dog. Wow that would be insulting to him. He really came a long way with your tutoring. I remember he was a "bit" jealous of you Sara, remember? He knew Ernie would love you as much as him. But when that little one came along, he understood. He really loved Sammie. Even when I saw him the last couple of years at your house he had his attitude in retirement. He'd look at you like, "excuse me, are you telling ME to go out to Pee?!, I'm retired." He was so funny. I know you're gonna miss him every day, as will Belle. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute. Love you guys.