Thursday, June 28, 2007

Action-packed Kid

There is rarely a second in the day when Samuel is awake when he is not running, jumping, or climbing. We have a gym area in our basement which he loves. He likes to jump on the mini-trampoline and climb on the treadmill. Here he is on the trampoline:

He also LOVES to wrestle. When Ernie gets home from work, the two of them wrestle in our dining room (we have no furniture in there yet, and I'm pretty sure Samuel will be sad when we finally do.)

Sometimes Samuel will just stand in the kitchen and say "go, go go!" and then take off. Our new house has a loop he can run from the kitchen to the front hallway to the dining room and back into the kitchen. If only I could figure out how to get some of that energy for myself!

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

MAN! Boys!!! Tristan is also a climber with so much energy. Sure wish we could at least HALVE the steam - then I'd feel like maybe I'd have a chance at keeping up with him :) !!