Monday, July 2, 2007

Squeaky Clean

Here's Samuel getting his hair washed in the bath tonight:

Lately he screams bloody murder when we try to rinse the shampoo out of his hair. If anyone knows of any creative solutions, I'd love to hear them!


Jennifer McHam said...

Tristan is starting to do that too! Weird b/c it never bothered him before. I've heard the following:

1) use a wet washcloth to get the shampoo off
2) put stickers on the ceiling (or dangle something from the ceiling) for them to look at while you pour water over their heads
3) use one of those pitchers with the soft side (avail. @ Toys R Us or Babies R Us)

Good luck! Let me know what you find out works for you?

Bridget Zucco said...
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Bridget Zucco said...

Tonio used to scream bloody murder when washing hair! He did much better when I did it first then let him play after instead of waiting to do the dirty deed then comfort the screaming as the last result. I wanted him to remember the bath as fun time. Anyways, when the water was just a couple of inches he'd lay back and hold his elbows down-which means no flayling arms, then we'd squirt water out of an empty liquid dish soap container so it was just a little stream and easier to control from going into eyes.

Mario used to hold a dry face cloth over his forehead and eyes because he refused to put his head back. He was fine with the eyes closed-what he hated was water going in the ears!

Pj was easy-he didn't care either way-he just wanted to pretend he was a fish and swim!