Three things Samuel loves to do lately:
1. swing
2. play with the hose
3. play in the sandbox
Three things he does not love to do lately:
1. practice sitting on the potty
2. eat any vegetable
3. come inside after playing
Three TV shows he can't get enough of:
1. Mickey Mouse
2. Dora
3. Little Einsteins
Three TV shows Ernie and I are thoroughly sick of:
1. Mickey Mouse
2. Dora
3. Little Einsteins
Three things Samuel ate for breakfast this morning:
1. shredded cheese
2. yogurt
3. sour cream
(apparently he is a fan of dairy products)
Three traits he most certainly did not inherit from me:
1. car recognition*
2. the difference between an excavator, bulldozer, and loader
3. a love of condiments
(*note about #1 above - Ernie always talks to me about people and identifies them by their cars. As in "you know those people who live down the street and drive the (insert technical car name here) I usually have no idea what he is talking about unless he clarifies with "you know, the BLUE car", but Samuel already (at 2!) knows which kids are at school by seeing their cars in the parking lot.
Three books that must be read each night before bed:
1. Merry Christmas Mouse (who says you can't celebrate Christmas in July?)
2. I Spy Cars and Trucks
3. Harold and the Purple Crayon
Three items that must be in bed with Samuel before he'll go to sleep:
1. blue blanket
2. yellow blanket
3. as many matchbox cars as he can get away with
Three phrases I never thought would come out of my mouth:
1. take the batteries out of your mouth
2. you may not have chips for breakfast
3. we don't eat things that are already in the garbage
Three times he has woken up this past week:
1. 5:45 am
2. 5:46 am
3. 5:47 am
Three art projects he loves:
1. any kind of painting
2. gluing uncooked noodles to paper
3. playdough
Three manners he is working on:
1. covering up after EVERY sneeze
2. saying "excuse me" when adults are talking
3. saying "no thank you" instead of "bleeehhhhh"
Three foods he would eat non-stop, if we let him
1. chips
2. chocolate pudding
3. granola bars
If you're in the market for a vacation the involves getting up super early, getting covered with glue/sand/water/dirt/paint, reading certain books one zillion times in a row, and more dairy products than you know what to do with, stop on by!