Sunday, March 30, 2014


This week at school, the 2nd grade classes put on a musical called Squirm. It was all about things like bugs, worms, spiders, bats, etc... things that make people squirm. It sounds creepy but it was actually really really cute. Each 2nd grade class was one of the squirmy things. Samuel's class was spiders, they wore these great paper hats with spider eyes and legs on them, and they did a version of The Itsy Bitsy Spider that was like a rap.

Here are some pictures and videos from the show.

Don't Let the Pigeon Eat This Cake

Samuel's school has a cake decorating contest each year. This year the theme was to make a cake that represented one of your favorite books. At our house, the Pigeon books by Mo Willems are a hit with both kids, so we decided to make a pigeon cake. It was really simple to make. We just baked one 13"x9" cake and cut it into shapes. The legs are licorice strings, the beak is a yellow starburst, the eye and neck band are white Airhead candies, and the pupil is a Junior Mint. Here is Samuel with the finished cake.