Saturday, April 14, 2007

Playdate with Tristan

Today we went over to the McHam's house for a playdate. Samuel loves his buddy Tristan, and all of Tristan's cool toys (don't all kids love other kids' toys better than their own?)

Samuel and Tristan had a fun time swinging, playing with the cozy coupe car, eating lots of cheese (Samuel's second favorite snack after popcorn these days) and going to the park down the street.

Was taking a nap part of this fun day? No, definitely not. Instead it was more fun to scream in the pack-n-play and then get up and play with more toys. Who wants to waste time sleeping when there is cheese to be eaten?

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Yay for play dates! Yay for parks! Yay for toys! Yay for food! Pfft on naps!!! :)