Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Condiment Kid

Anyone who has ever eaten a meal with me knows that I don't really like most condiments like mayonaise, ketchup, mustard, etc... Samuel has obviously not inherited this trait from me since he has decided he loves ALL condiments. He hasn't quite figured out how they work though and wants to eat them by themselves (he would love it if we gave him a whole plate of ketchup.) In the picture above he is eating sour cream as fast as we would give it to him. He kept signing and saying "more! more!" And that's all he wanted to eat - nothing dipped in the sour cream, nothing on the side, just plain old sour cream by the spoonful (actually, by the handful.)


Jennifer McHam said...

Ooooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But sooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gilda said...

so ki-yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!! he's terribly adorable!