Friday, June 1, 2007


Samuel got a cool toy in the mail today from my mom - a bubble machine where you press a handle to make bubbles. It's great because it's a lot less messy than regular bubbles where you dip a wand into the solution. Samuel normally likes to take the wand and fling it all around the room, resulting in no bubbles but lots of mess. This toy let him make some bubbles himself.


Jennifer McHam said...

We have that same bubble toy but ours doesn't work!!!! MAN! It looks like so much fun on the box and also in your pictures!!!!!!! :P I also loved the post about the nap ;) ha!

Bridget Zucco said...

Now THIS is incredibly awesome!

brewers said...

Lilly also likes the bubble machine! She likes to eat the handle, though, and doesn't seem all that interested in the bubbles yet. Oh well!