Monday, September 24, 2007

Old MacNorwood Had a Farm

This weekend I took Samuel to a free Fall Festival at a local farm. There were all kinds of fun farm activities to do: tractors for the kids to sit on, a petting zoo, hay rides, butter making, etc... Samuel was a little young for some of the activities, but he did like the petting zoo, and sitting on the tractors. Here are some pictures:


Sitting on an old tractor:

Checking out the sheep:

Petting a baby pig:

I tried to get him to sit in front of these pretty fall flowers so I could take his picture. He looks totally confused as to why I wanted him to do this. It was hard enough to get him to sit for 5 seconds; I think asking for a still kid and a smile would have been too much:

In other news, it will be Samuel's birthday next week. I'm not sure he totally understands what that means, but he does really like balloons, so he will be excited to have some of those. We're going to bring snack in that day to his daycare. Since he is really liking animals lately, I experimented with making some animal shaped snacks:

I think we're going to go with the monkey. He's going to be a monkey for Halloween, if he has decided he doesn't hate his costume by then. When I tried it on him a few weeks ago, he screamed his head off. The costume is a little big, so I guess if he still hates it at Halloween, we can try to have him be a monkey next year. And if that doesn't work, he can always be the kid with the crazy hair:

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Sara he's getting so BIG!!! And look at all that HAIR!!!! Can you believe these guys used to be our little BABIES?!?!?!