Monday, May 12, 2008

Visit with Paul and Cori

Paul and Cori were in Indiana this past weekend for a graduation ceremony. They came up to Fort Wayne and spent the day with us on Friday. Before they arrived, I kept trying to explain to Samuel who was coming. I'd say "Paul is mommy's brother" and Samuel would laugh and say "noooooo" as if it was ridiculous for me to have a brother. Ha! He's going to be in for a shock this June when we go to NY for a family reunion and he sees all the brothers I have!

Despite the confusion about the brother issue, we had a really nice time together, and Samuel really liked looking at their orange car (although I didn't get any pictures of that). Here are some other pictures.

Samuel loved Paul's MSU hat:

Being a monster:

Hanging out with Paul and Cori:

After Paul and Cori left, Samuel kept asking me where they were. Only he couldn't remember Paul's name, so he'd ask me "Where Cori and that man go? They go home in orange car? My like that orange car!"

Paul and Cori - feel free to come back any time!


Jennifer McHam said...

Ha! That is too funny! Tristan didn't quite get it when Travis came to visit either. Mark kept saying "Daddy is Uncle's big brother just like you're Pierce's big brother!" We laughed at the thought of him thinking "But Uncle is MUCH TALLER than Daddy!" :)

Bridget Zucco said...

Oh NOOOOOO A Michigan State hat!!