Thursday, May 29, 2008

Water Water Everywhere

Samuel has a book called "Water Water Everywhere" about a nice happy octopus looking at water in a pool, in a glass, at the beach, etc... If the book was taking place at our house this past weekend, there would have been a page where the octopus finds water in his basement - ugh.

A pipe burst and caused a whole bunch of damage to our wall, ceiling and carpet. Thankfully Ernie was able to fix the leak, take down the sheet rock, and rip up the carpet, but we still have a ways to go to get things back to normal.

Here are some pictures of how things look at the moment. Here's the pipe (you're looking up at the ceiling):

Here's part of the wall where Ernie took off the sheet rock:

Here's Ernie taking up the carpet:

We were so glad that Meg and Lilly were here this weekend because Meg was able to entertain Samuel while we were trying to clean things up. Thank you, Meg! Otherwise, I'm sure we would have heard "whatcha doin' daddy?" a bazillion times.

I will try to post a video of Samuel and Lilly playing in just a minute. I seem to have some trouble uploading videos sometimes. Does anyone else have that problem with blogger? Sometimes when I click on the video icon, there's no option to browse for the video on my computer. I get the box to name the video, and to accept the terms, but no way to actually find the video. Isn't that kind of an important part? But then sometimes it works just fine. I have no idea why it works sometimes and why it doesn't. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

1 comment:

Bridget Zucco said...

Oh gosh, this is worse than I thought?! Wow, good job.