Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Floor

Here's the latest update on our basement situation: we didn't have any luck finding the original carpet to match the part that wasn't damaged by water, so we installed laminate flooring this weekend. The room is just under 200 square feet, so with Ernie and I working together (and a babysitter entertaining Samuel) we were able to do it all. Here are some pictures of the room now:

The wall still needs to be painted and the furniture needs to be put back, but other than that, the room is almost back to normal!

In other news, one day last week I took Samuel down to Indianapolis to see my friends Sara and Melissa and their kids. Here he is having fun in the wading pool at Sara's house. He LOVES to play with water lately. Hose, buckets, pool, sprinkler...he can't get enough of it. He is usually blue lipped and shivering when we make him come inside, yet he still screams for more.

And here he is playing with a toy Jeep that he completely loved (and also screamed when it was time to get out of):

Thank you to everyone who left us a nice comment about Monty - we appreciated reading those!


Jennifer McHam said...

the floor looks great!! and Samuel is as cute as ever!!

Bridget Zucco said...

Awesome job on the house. This floor looks terrific!