Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Samuel was such fun on Christmas this year. In the past he has been overwhelmed, and wandered off after opening 1 or 2 presents. This year he was more than happy to open anything with his name on it, and even offered to help open things that were not for him. Here are some pictures:

Santa brought him some tape, and he had a great time sticking it all over the house:

And then sticking his tools to it:

Here are pictures of me and Ernie showing off our new hats:

Our christmas tree pizza:

I keep trying to post a video, but it doesn't seem to be working. I will try again later, so you can see Samuel playing a drum set that Bridget sent him. We refer to these in the video as "payback drums" since Ernie used to give Bridget's kids lots of noisy toys when they were younger. Samuel LOVES them.

1 comment:

aunti_bridget said...

You guys are the best parents EVER!!! Who would have even thought about the tape, never mind letting him do it! That is so awesome!!! I love the tree pizza and the way you strung the cards up on the line. I still do the paper chain at school, too. The students answer 3 questions: Link 1)What do you want for Christmas (might as well get it over with), Link 2)What would you give to Jesus if he were your classmate? and Link 3) What COULD you do NOW to give Him a gift even though he's not physically here. It's interesting what they come up with. Sam looks so attentive.