Friday, February 27, 2009


I know our blog has been sadly neglected lately. This is mostly due to the fact that I have been finishing up a class (medical transcription) and have been giving that my full attention. But I'm happy to say that I took the final exam for the class this week, so I am done! Now I am just awaiting the results of the test, and then I can start looking for a job.

Here are some recent pictures of Samuel. In the first 2 he is wearing what they made at school to hold valentines. It's supposed to be kind of like a little bucket made out of paper plates. It's also apparently a good hat:

In the next few pictures he is shaving in the bathroom, with a little play shaving kit he has (well, play razor, but he is using real shaving cream):

We are working really hard with him on sleep issues lately. For some reason he seems to need less sleep than a normal child. Or a normal adult. Or perhaps a vampire. He wants to wake up SO early every morning and come into our room. We put a clock in his room and told him he cannot get up until he sees a "6" on there, but that only seemed to work for a few nights. And it doesn't seem to matter what time he goes to bed - he still wakes up early. Maybe someday when he gives up his afternoon nap he will sleep later than 5:00 each morning. Until then I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. We've tried leaving him snacks in a bag in his room, in case he wakes up hungry, we've tried telling him he can wake up and play with toys in his room, we've tried locking our door so he can't come in (which only results in him screaming down the hallway and then slamming his door like a tiny teenager.) How do we make him sleep? Any suggestions people have would be appreciated!

Oh, and although the pictures all suggest otherwise, we do occasionally dress him in clothes rather than pajamas.


aunti_bridget said...

Sounds like you're doing everything you can-I'd like to say it'll get easier-but I went through it with Antonio, and know better. The only thing that helped was going to bed later...but then he was a night owl. Still, it was better than the alternative. He still is a night owl. He gets some of his best homework done in the middle of the night-and we had some of his best "high school" talks at midnight...well-I guess we still do! hahahaa

Jennifer McHam said...

Uuuuuugh I am so sorry! T goes through sleeping boycotts but so far it's just been in spurts. It is EXHAUSTING! We turned the lock around on his door and lock him in. Doesn't that sound HORRIBLE?!?>! But it works. And we have a sticker chart. After 6 stickers he gets to pick something from the surprise bucket (usually a book). We have everything on the sticker chart that we work on: waking up after the sun comes up, brushing teeth w/o a fit, going to bed well, and having "dry pants" after naptime. Good luck!!!!!!