Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Version 2.0 - Arriving October 2009

Some readers of our blog already know this news, but for those of you who don't don't...we are having another baby! I am almost 12 weeks along, due mid-October. I had my first prenatal appointment a week or so ago, and was lucky enough to have an ultrasound (I didn't get one of those with Samuel until I was almost 6 months). The reason I got the ultrasound early is because they couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler. But everything looked and sounded fine on the ultrasound, so we are in good shape. My doctor said maybe I was just a day or two shy of 10 weeks at the appointment, which is when you can really hear the heartbeat with the Doppler.

Here are 2 pictures. It's kind of hard to see more than a tiny peanut at this point, but I still think it's super cool:

Samuel is thrilled about being a big brother and talks about it a lot now. In the beginning he was a little confused, and we had this conversation which made me laugh:

Samuel: "I like babies all the time."
Me: "That's good because we're going to have a baby at our house, close to the time of your birthday."
Samuel: "No mommy! I want a drill!"

Note to self: revise birthday wish list. Take off baby and add drill.


Carrie's Classics said...

Yippee! Congratulations. We're so happy for you, and can't wait to meet #2. Samuel must definitely be Ernie's son, asking for a drill for his 4th birthday.

Jennifer McHam said...

YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! ADORABLE ultrasound pics - I can already tell how beautiful she is :) !!!

Iron Eric said...

ALRIGHT!! What cool news to start the day! Starting to wonder when kid #2 was going to come around the corner.

aunti_bridget said...

Awwweeee she looks just like her Aunti Bridget....

umm...nope-Uncle Pete says we're sticking with boys. Guess we think we have something to do with this. hahahahahahaaa

So cool to be able to see life so young. Thank you.