Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Boy

Samuel is now 4 years old! We had his first real party this weekend - the kind where you invite friends and play games. The kids had a great time making crowns, playing beanbag toss games and pin the tail on the donkey (actually, the version we got from Oriental Trading Company was stick the tail on with a sticker), playing with toys, and eating cupcakes.

Samuel was super excited that people brought him presents. He got some really neat things, and is especially loving the spiderman stuff and the transformers. As I have mentioned before, he is all boy!

I'm not sure how the parents of the other kids feel about pictures of their kids online, so I am just going to post a few of Samuel at the party (and one of Lilly as I'm sure Meg won't mind.)

Pin the tail on the donkey:

Figuring out how a transformer works:

Lilly displaying the crown she made:

Hanging out after the party was done:

In pregnancy news, I am almost 39 weeks now, so just over a week to go! Here is my picture from last week:

At my past two doctor appointments they have checked me to see if I am dilated at all. So far only 1 cm, so not much to report. I know that can change at any moment though.

I am having a lot of trouble sleeping lately because I'm really uncomfortable. Every time I turn over in bed at night, I wake up. Sometimes I am able to go back to sleep, but some nights I end up lying awake in bed for hours, or getting up and doing things like folding all of the newborn clothes we have from Samuel (hello nesting, nice to see you again), or posting on our blog at 3:30 am. I suppose it's good preparation for getting up in the night when the baby arrives.

I have my next appointment at the doctor this Thursday, and I'll post an update after that.

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Ask your doctor about Ambien. I took Tylenol PM at the end of my preg. w/ Pierce and I know they've ok'd Ambien now too. You may enjoy this last week of sleep... ;) !! Can not WAIT to hear the news...! xoxo