Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas pictures

Even though it's only January 10th today, Christmas already seems like it was so long ago. Probably because I have been trying to post on our blog for weeks now and run out of time every single day.

At any rate, here are some pictures. The first 2 are from a kids' Christmas party that Ernie's work had. In the first picture, Samuel is decorating a cookie. They had red frosting and green frosting. He mixed his together and frosted his cookie gray. Gray frosting does not look very yummy, but he ate it (and loved it) anyway.

Here I am with Becca at the party:

Here are some pictures from opening presents at our house Christmas morning.

Ernie modeling a jacket (and also a toy snake Samuel got):

Samuel opening a Lightning McQueen tool bench from Grandpa Bob and Memere:

Displaying his new hat and scarf. (the red truck next to him was his big present this year from us. It's a transformer that turns into a remote control truck. Combination of everything he loves right now.)

The four of us:

(I got Becca to wear this dress for only as long as it took to take the picture. Apparently it looks super cute, but is not as comfortable as pajamas. As I would personally wear pajamas all day long if I could, I can totally relate.)

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Cute!!! I LOVE the transformer thing - Oh my goodness, I have to know where you got that. Tristan would FLIP!