Sunday, January 31, 2010

Favorites - Winter 2010

Here are some favorites at our house recently:


1. Playing in the snow

2. Washing anything at the kitchen sink:

3. Creating experiments with things from the pantry (food coloring, sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc...) I think this is mainly an excuse to eat the sweet things, but he does a fair amount of mixing things up and guessing what's going to happen next, so I overlook the fact that he eats most of his experiment ingredients in the process.)


1. A whale picture Samuel made at school last summer. She LOVES to look at this whale and smile.

2. and 3. Being carried around in the Bjorn, and seeing her reflection in the mirror.

4. Her big brother

Look at her face there. She loves loves loves Samuel. The other day she made some cooing noises near him, and he said to me, "You know what she just said? She said 'Big brother, you're amazing.'"

Becca also really loves her baby oatmeal (much more than the rice cereal), but I haven't taken a picture of her eating it yet. Mainly because each time she eats it, she gets frantic when the spoon is out of her mouth for 1 second because she needs more oatmeal NOW. In the time it takes me to get another spoonful of oatmeal, she has usually grabbed her bib and stuffed that in her mouth, hoping more oatmeal will come from there. She gets to try fruits and vegetables in a few weeks (at 4 months), so maybe we can get a picture of her eating then.


Jennifer McHam said...

Oooooh! I LOVE the "You're amazing" comment- How CUTE!!! And the eating stuff - I can totally relate :) !! My boys were EATERS!! Too cute. You must be in heaven :)

Carrie's Classics said...

I agree with Jenny. I love the "you're amazing"! What fun!