Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to have the worst picnic ever

Thinking of having a picnic at the playground? Follow these tips so your experience can be as fun-filled as ours:

1. When your 4-year-old asks if you can have a picnic, say yes.

2. Pay no attention to the weather. It has been sunny and 60 the past few days, so surely the 35 degree windy weather the day of the picnic isn't going to last.

3. Or not.

4. Do not believe your child when they tell you they do not need to go to the bathroom before leaving the house.

5. Arrive at the playground. Notice it is completely deserted since everyone else in their right mind is staying inside in this weather.

6. When taking the picnic basket out of the car, be sure to get a splinter in your hand.

7. Two minutes after arriving at the playground, try not to pull your hair out when your child decides they do indeed have to go to the bathroom. This is of course best if you are at a school playground on a Saturday where the building is locked.

8. Suggest going back home to use the bathroom.

9. Be thankful no one else is at the playground to experience the giant fit thrown at this idea.

10. Decide you will have a really quick picnic so you can get home before he has an accident.

11. Watch in amazement as child somehow defies the laws of gravity and falls off the picnic table, landing on his head.

12. Decide gravity is not your friend as child somehow drops every piece of cheese you hand him to the ground. Note to self: mittens and picnics do not mix. Neither do woodchips and cheese.

13. Notice that the baby could also benefit from being near a bathroom as she now needs her diaper changed.

12. Declare end of fun-filled picnic of the century and go home.


All-Stars said...

LOL! This post had me in stitches. I know it's not funny, but what an ordeal. Glad you all survived. Hope you're not too traumatized to give it another stab on a warmer day.
We miss ya'll around here.

Jennifer McHam said...

ha! awesome :) !!

aunti_bridget said...

Sara, you do know this needs to be published in the local newspaper every year in March as a public service announcement, right? lmbo