Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 months old

This month we get 2 pictures of Becca and the bear. As you can see, she is no longer content to just lie next to the bear while I take her picture. Anything within her grasp is snapped up in an instant (and then usually stuffed in her mouth.)

Highlights this past month:
  • I think she is cutting teeth as she has been cranky and drooling a ton. I don't see any actual teeth in her mouth yet, but I'm sure they will appear soon.
  • Trying yogurt. She loved it so much she ate an entire container in one sitting. This should not have come as a surprise since we pretty much single-handedly supported Yo Baby Yogurt during Samuel's first 3 years.
  • She has figured out how to roll from her stomach to her back (but not the other way around yet.)
  • She loves anything with buttons (remote control, phone, calculator, etc...)
  • If you put her on the floor on her stomach, she will scoot backwards. I remember Samuel did that too before he started crawling for real. I think real crawling for Becca is not too far off: