Friday, May 14, 2010

7 months old

Becca is 7 months old now. Here is her picture with the bear:

She is growing by leaps and bounds. She weighs 18 pounds now (50-75%) and is 26" long (25%). She loves to wave hi and bye to people, especially other children or babies (and herself when she is looking in a mirror.) She even says something that sounds a lot like "hi" when she is doing that. We're going to count that as her first word.

She is very close to crawling. She will rock back and forth on all fours, but then plop back down the ground. She has figured out how to roll both ways and will sometimes roll to get from one part of the room to another.

She can sit up for a few seconds on her own, but would much prefer that you hold her in a standing position. Or walk around carrying her.

She LOVES any kind of paper and will grab it off a table, wall, etc... She likes to shake it up and down to make noise, and then stick it in her mouth. See how delighted she looks here to find the paper with the 7 on it?

Her 2 bottom teeth have come in. You can sort of see them in this picture:

Our happy laundry helper:

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