Thursday, September 16, 2010

11 months old

Becca is 11 months old now. Here are 2 pictures of her with the bear:

It was pretty much impossible to get a picture where she was 1) sitting still, 2) looking at the camera, and 3) not trying to eat the paper with the 11 on it.

Her walking is getting better each day. She hardly crawls anywhere anymore. And, as evidenced by my last post, she is into everything.

She wants to do everything Samuel does. Here they are hanging out in baskets:

She tries any and all food that I give her, and if I try to eat something myself without giving her a bite, she makes a "uh, uh, uh" noise and points at my food until I share.

Favorite activities at the moment include: putting objects into containers and taking them out again, getting in the cozy coupe car and beeping the horn, trying her best to get to Bella's water dish if I don't move it in time, and walking around the house exploring. She also loves to be outside. We have a baby swing on our swingset, but she doesn't want to go in that anymore. She wants to go on a big swing just like Samuel. I put her in the sandbox yesterday for the first time and she really liked that (except that she kept trying to eat the sand.)

I can't believe she is going to be 1 in just a few weeks. This year has gone by so quickly!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the "uh uh uh"! Awesome! And eating the sand...been there. Recently.