Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Year Old

Becca had her 1st birthday last weekend! Here she is with the bear:

I'm working on a compilation of all 12 monthly photos of her with the bear and will post that when it is finished. It's neat to see all in one place how she has grown over the past year.

We had a small party for her because we were kind of partied out from Samuel's Buzz Lightyear party a few days before. Here are a few pictures of Becca opening presents:

Her cake (MUCH less frosting than Samuel's so we did not have a repeat of crack baby who will not go to sleep.)

Some of her favorite things at 1 year old:

  • Food: mandarin oranges, popcorn, yogurt.
  • Toys: baby dolls, books, stacking cups.
  • Activities: swinging, going for walks, taking baths.

She has started imitating us and will do things like walk around with a toy phone up to her ear pretending to talk (this morning she walked around with the calculator to her ear, talking.) She also likes to put our shoes on her feet, try to eat with a spoon (a work in progress), and push her baby around in her toy stroller. It's very cute to see her do all those things.

12 month compilation picture coming soon!

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