Sunday, December 26, 2010

More Christmas Pictures

I never got around to posting other pictures last night, so here are some now:

Samuel with his Ben 10 watch - probably his favorite present:

Becca with her tea set:

Samuel and his transformer:

Becca's rocking horse:

Becca with one of her favorite things of the morning - a box full of packing peanuts:

We hope Christmas was merry at your house!

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Wow we totally could have compared notes on our gifts - The boys got transformers and a Ben 10 watch too and P got the remote controlled car Becca has there (only in blue!). haha - great minds! Hope y'all had a great Christmas!!! lots of love
PS - Got LOTS of beautiful comments and praise on your incredible card and am sending people your way!!!!