Thursday, March 10, 2011


I took the kids to South Bend this week to see Meg, Lilly, and baby Zach. We attempted to get a picture of all 4 kids together, but that was easier said than done. Becca clearly did not want to sit on the couch to have her picture taken. Here is what we ended up with:

Becca did not want to sit on the couch because she was in love with this little play kitchen that Lilly has. She wanted to play with it for almost the entire time we were there. She loved opening and closing the microwave and saying "ding dong, ding dong." I am definitely going to look for one of these at garage sales this summer.

Here is a picture of Samuel and Zach. Before we got there, I kept reminding Samuel that Zach was going to be really little and that we would have to be very gentle with him. So then Samuel asked me - "is he bigger than a banana?" Um, yes, I think he is.

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

hahahahaha! the bigger than the banana thing cracks me up!