Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fun on the Farm

There is a farm near us called Seven Sons. We go there occasionally to buy grass-fed meat and eggs. Last week they opened a new farm store and celebrated by having hay rides, a petting zoo, free samples of milk and cheese, etc... Here are some pictures from the day:

Becca checking out the animals in the petting zoo:

Becca would have been happy to sit next to the cats all day long. We do not own a cat and have no plans to do so, but boy does she love them. Whenever we are anywhere where there is a cat, she is like a magnet to it.

On the hayride:

Samuel loved the mazes made out of hay bales:

1 comment:

aunti_bridget said...

Oh this is great! I love how Becca puts her hands on her thighs to bend over a touch when looking at animals as if she's the adult. So funny. She's not at all afraid of those big ole' things that tower over her. I love that Sam just seems to find the fun wherever he goes. lol

PS: the cat thing-genetic-sorry. lol