Monday, February 13, 2012

Pizza Hut

Becca and I go to a playgroup that meets every other week. We usually just meet at someone's house and play, but last week we had a field trip to Pizza Hut to see how they make pizza.

Putting cheese on her pizza:

Becca's pizza going into the oven:

Becca and her finished pizza (of which she ate none, choosing rather to take bites, chew them partially and then spit them into my hand. Yum. Don't you wish you were on this field trip with us? Normally she loves pizza, so I'm not really sure what that was about):


All-Stars said...

What a neat trip! Totally envious. I think giving up the things they love to eat, is a toddler's sadistic way of driving his/her parents insane. We're halfway to the funny farm if you need a ride. :0)

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