Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kindergarten graduate

School ended here last week, so Samuel is all done with Kindergarten now. He is officially a first grader. How did he get to be so old? Here is a picture of him with his teacher on the last day of school:

He had the most awesome teacher this year. She did some of the neatest things with the kids in her class. The shirts they are both wearing in the picture above are kind of hard to see, but it's a picture of all of the kids in the class (on the front) and their signatures (on the back).

On the last day of school, the parents were invited to come in and watch a movie called Rhyme Time. It featured each child in the class acting out a nursery rhyme. Samuel did The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I have a copy of the movie, but I'm not sure how to just show his part, so for now a picture of him in his costume will have to do:

If I can figure out how to post part of the movie, I will do that soon. It is really cute.

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