Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I ♥ Pinterest

I am probably the last person in the world to sign up for pinterest. Everyone I know has already been on there for months. However, just because I am late to the party does not mean that I, too, cannot lose hours of precious time by being sucked into the pinterest black hole! And what an amazing black hole it is! I had no idea all of the things you could find on there. Here are some things I have found and tried recently that I really like:

1. No bake granola bars

Here's the link for those. They are easy and good (although I'm not really sure how healthy they are, as the title of the recipe suggests).

2. Two-Ingredient Pumpkin Cake

Here is the link for that.

3. Miracle cleaner using Dawn and hydrogen peroxide

I have used this for spots on laundry and on the carpet, and it works really well on both. Here is the link for the cleaner.

There are tons of great ideas on pinterest for making things that glow - glow water, glow ice cubes, glow bath time, etc... We are going to try those next, so look for a post soon about if our glow experiments are successful.

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