Monday, October 21, 2013

Gnome Hunt and Fairy Houses

I took the kids to an event at a local farm back in September. We went on a walk in the woods to find hidden gnomes, and then they built fairy houses using materials they found in the woods.

Finding a gnome.
A gnome!
Becca's fairy house.

Samuel's fairy house (for very large fairies apparently.)

Becca and her finished fairy house

Samuel's finished fairy house

Both kids really liked walking around in the woods (there are no woods near our house. Heck, we only have 1 tree in our yard, which is great for fall raking time, but not so much fun for exploring). Becca is a nature collector and brought home a big bag of treasures - nuts, seeds, sticks, etc... Samuel didn't bring anything home, but he had a lot of fun building his fairy house (mansion?) At one point, the instructor actually restricted Samuel from bringing back any sticks that were larger than he (Samuel) was. That's how gung-ho he was about building this. I don't think he was at all interested in a fairy possibly living there, but he just wanted to build, build, build.

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