Sunday, January 4, 2015

Catching Up

I have not posted anything on our blog in months, 5 to be exact. It's hard during the school year to find the time to post, plus since we moved to a new house in September, most of our free time on weekends has been spent unpacking and doing house-related projects. I am going to post a bunch of things today that have happened since last summer.

1. Lake Michigan: we drove up and met Meg, Timothy, Erin and their families there. My kids had never been to Lake Michigan before and had an absolute blast!

2. Swim Team: Samuel was on a swim team this summer for the first time. He spent 1/2 hour each day working on different strokes, and then had a few meets throughout the summer. His favorite stroke was the butterfly.

(I'm not quite sure why Becca decided she had to throw a toy directly into his path in the above video. Just doing her job as a younger sibling, I suppose).

3 Science Central: we visited our local science museum one day over the summer. There is a giant slide there that runs down 3 stories in the center of the building. Every time we have been there in the past, Samuel has been too short to go on the slide. This time he was excited he was tall enough! There is a video below of him going down the slide, and one of Becca having fun with the Echo Tube.

4. Both of the kids had birthdays in October. Samuel had a Star Wars party for his 9th birthday, and Becca had a baking party for her 5th birthday. Samuel's party was slightly insane with 9 little boys running around bopping each other with light sabers made from pool noodles. Becca's party was quite a bit calmer since she only got to have 5 guests (and zero light sabers).

5. Halloween: Continuing our Star Wars theme, Samuel was Darth Vader and Becca was Princess Leia:

That catches us up through October. I will work on another post in a bit with Christmas things, and Samuel's musical at school.

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