Monday, February 2, 2015

Funny Girl

Becca is at the age where a lot of the things that come out of her mouth are very funny, some on purpose and some not. Here are some things she has said recently that have made us laugh:

To Samuel: "Sammy, you really should have a girlfriend by now. You're 9."

At dinner, telling us about her little friend at school whose name is Boston: "And I know what Boston's last name is too - Redsox!"

In the car: "Mom! I love this song. Can you hold my water bottle so I can dance?"

At lunch: "I wish I was a grownup already. Then I could just go to Dairy Queen all day."

Walking out of school last week:
Becca: "Katy Perry is going to sing at the superbowl."
Me: "Do you know who Katy Perry is?"
Becca: "Yeah, she's our neighbor!"
(um, not last time I checked.)

At dinner: "I know how cows get us this milk. Through their gutters!"

Our funny girl.

(in the picture above, she is showing off the body paint markers
she got for Christmas from some friends.)

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