Monday, August 13, 2007

Visit with the Jackson boys

This weekend my dad and 6 of my brothers came to visit. It was a fast and furious trip, but we still managed to fit in a BBQ, swimming at the pool, and lots of playing with Samuel. Here are some pictures from their visit.

Samuel with his Papa Michael:

All of the boys eating dinner:

Colin and Rory with Monty:


Jennifer McHam said...

How fun!!! And what memories! You are so lucky you live closer to family now - I'm jealous! But really, really happy for you :)

Bridget Zucco said...

Ah ha! The boys got a weekend too! Ernie must have been in his glory again. Looks like Samuel had a ton of fun this past month-you guys must be tired! Gosh the siblings have grown up so fast.