Thursday, September 6, 2007

Odds and Ends

This past weekend our freezer decided it, too, had a right to to celebrate Labor Day. Apparently keeping food cold was simply optional now, and the freezer opted not to (even though it was only 6 years old!). Since we have one of those side-by-side freezer/refrigerators, we were kind of in a bind. Thankfully Lowes came through for us, and delivered a new one Tuesday morning.

Maybe someday if I am designing a kitchen from scratch, I'll pick something like this:

However, that model costs $2,500, and matches nothing else in our kitchen. (Who spends that on a refrigerator?) We needed something in-stock so our food wouldn't spoil, so we chose this one:

So far it's great! Food is actually cold again.

Here's a picture of a pretty messy Samuel at dinner last night. We were trying to explain to him that you just eat the orange part of the melon, since he wanted to just take a bite out of the rind.

He has become quite the parrot lately, repeating everything we say. When he's not making sure we know everything in the house belongs to HIM, he's a lot of fun to be around. One of his newest things is to look around a room and say " I spy...a car!" or "I spy...a book!" I put the exclamation points in there because that's exactly how he says it. And he's completely obsessed with a show on The Disney Channel called The Little Einsteins. He's always asking us for "more steins?" Ernie and I call it baby crack, and try to limit how much it's on each day because he likes it a little too much. He'd sit in front of the TV for hours if we let him.


bnorwood8 said...

wow!Samuel is really working
on his vocabulary.
I love the $2500 refrig.
i would not mind having the one
you two purchased either.
Sounds like terrible twos climbing
in the windows at the Norwoods
Good luck and God Bless
Keep having fun

Jennifer McHam said...

Love, love, love the blog postings - I feel like you're not so far away this way :) !! Samuel is SO CUTE!! Sure do miss you guys!!!