Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Funny Boy

Samuel and I are driving to school the other morning and the song on the CD (Curious George soundtrack) is not quite done. He asks if we can wait in the parking lot until it is over. When I say yes, he says "and can you unbuckle me from my carseat so I can dance?"


One Monday morning he asks me and Ernie "Is it still the weekend?" When we tell him that it isn't, he throws himself on the floor crying saying "I want it to still be the weekend." (Don't we all?)


When getting dressed one morning, I ask if he wants to wear the blue shorts or the orange shorts. He picks orange because "I don't think my friends at school would like to see those blue ones."


At dinnertime one night, Samuel is complaining about eating the strawberry on his plate. He goes from "I don't want to eat this. It's yucky!" to "Yum! strawberries are good" in one bite.


After the lack of a nap one day, he tells me he has enough energy to play the rest of the afternoon without sleeping. I ask him if he's sure, and he says "Yes, feel my back. It is full to the top of energy."


Driving past an apartment complex, he sees balloons on the welcome signs outside. "Hey, look! Someone is having a birthday" he says.


One night he is having a hard time falling asleep so I tell him to imagine something in his head. He says "I am going to imagine Miss Sara (his teacher) pooping in her pants." (apologies to Miss Sara if you ever read this blog. I'm sure you do not poop in your pants.)

Last weekend we had Ernie's Uncle Irv in town. When I was putting Samuel to bed that night, he heard Ernie and Uncle Irv laughing downstairs. He asked me why they were laughing and I said "they probably are talking about something funny." He responded quite seriously with "probably poop."

It seems 3-year old humor is all about poop. Hopefully we will have some non-poop related updates to post soon. Pregnancy pictures coming soon, I promise!


brewers said...

Those are too funny!!

Jennifer McHam said...

OHMYGOSH I am going to pee from laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aunti_bridget said...

Just so ya know...these poop statements have gotten me through SEVERAL days the last few monhts! hahahahaaa

I know, that's sad. hahhaaaa