Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Exhibit A - where all of a sudden, it seemed vitally important to organize our junk drawer:

Exhibit B - where I could not live with the burner pans on our stove 1 minute longer. Again, vitally important to go out and buy new ones that very moment:

Exhibit C - where all items in the laundry room must be in their own containers and labeled appropriately.

Exhibit D - where I insist at 8:30 at night that the office closet needs to be reorganized (I have no picture yet because project is still in the works, but it is going to be super cool because it includes pegboard for my craft supplies.)

Do you think I have reached the nesting stage of pregnancy or what?

1 comment:

aunti_bridget said...

Nesting, nesting, nesting! yahooo