Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This summer we planted watermelon, zucchini, and radish seeds out back. The only thing that has grown so far is the zucchini. Here are some pictures of the 3 of us displaying some of the zucchini that our plants have produced:

And here's Samuel wearing Ernie's hat:

And here I am at 32 and 33 weeks pregnant ( I forgot to flip the pictures in photoshop, so the numbers are backwards in the mirror) :

Those pictures are from a few weeks ago. I still need to take weeks 34 and 35 and get those posted. I had a doctor's appointment this morning, where my stomach measured 35 cm, so I am right on track. The baby's heartbeat was at 150 again, which is right in the middle. I now start going to the doctor every week for a checkup. I'm not having any contractions or anything yet, so I'm not worried about the baby coming early. Of course, I know that can change at any second, but so far everything feels just fine. The baby moves a ton (mostly at night) and gets the hiccups now, which I remember Samuel did all the time too.

Everyone asks me if I think the baby is a boy or a girl. I honestly have no idea. With Samuel, even before we got the ultrasound, I always felt like he was a boy. With this baby, I really have no clue. It will be a total surprise, which I am excited about.

In general, I feel a lot more relaxed about this pregnancy than I did with the first one. I'm sure it's because things are not as new as they were last time. Examples:

1. Last time, I remember waiting eagerly for the weekly email from babycenter where it told you what size the baby was (a sweet potato! a melon! etc...) This time around, I still get those emails, but sometimes I don't even have the time to read them. I figure that I can feel the baby move, and I can see that the baby is growing, so everything else will just fall into place.

2. I'm not making some complicated birth plan (I didn't have one last time either).

3. I packed my bag for the hospital and put hardly anything in there since last time all I used from home was a pair of socks.

4. I have yet to enter a Babies R Us since we have just about everything we need left over from Samuel.

5. We're not taking birthing classes this time around. We're not even going on a tour of the hospital in Fort Wayne. I imagine someone will just direct us to the right floor when I am in labor (either that or people in the cafeteria will get more than they bargained for with their meal).

I have heard that people are more laid back with their second kids. Hopefully that attitude will stick around once the baby is actually here!


Jennifer McHam said...

Yay! Love the pics! You look AMAAAAAAAZING - love love love the pics. It's like you can see exactly where baby is! Names??? Any ideas??? I don't have any leaning if you're having a boy or a girl (I never seem to!) but I hope one way sometimes and one way the other for different reasons. 2 boys like me! A girl I can dote on! The tutus! The matching baseball hats! I totally agree w/ whoever is telling you about baby #2. We were the same - never got the tour (we were only in VA 2 weeks when he was born and my mom was only in town four hours when my water broke), met my doctor once who didn't even deliver me (his wife had baby #10, YES TEN, the same night as me - CHRISTMAS NIGHT), packed some underwear and socks and an outfit for Pierce and that's it. Oh, and my boppy. I felt very unprepared compared to the first time around but waaaaaay more relaxed and calm and it was a much better experience all around. Can't wait to hear the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iron Eric said...

Getting really close. What a neat surprise! Not sure if I could do that? I see why the parents are more relaxed with the second kid. Hope Ernie is doing good. I love Ernie's expression when he is holding the Zucchini. LOL

All-Stars said...

Looks like Eric beat me to the punch. Sara, you look amazing! Thanks for always leaving comments on our blog. Hearing from you really helped me to get through some of those rough days. I have a feeling that your baby will be a girl. I can't wait to see pics of this newest addition. You all look very healthy & happy.I'm sure you're all excited. I know I am.