Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Awesome Mop

As I've mentioned in previous posts, Samuel loves to help clean. A few weeks ago he wanted to use our mop all the time, but it was too big and he kept looking like he was about to pole vault with it, so we got him a smaller one. It's actually something you are supposed to use to clean the shower, but it works just fine as a kid-sized mop. Bonus for all the other engineering-minded 4 year olds out there: the handle retracts.

We don't normally have that much stuff out on our island. I had just returned from the grocery store and was in the process of putting everything away, that's why it is such a mess. (This sidenote has been brought to you by my OCD.)

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

Oh how funny! My favorite part is when he says "This is awesome!!" Ha! I'll bet the boys would love that except I'd have to buy 2 :) !!