Monday, March 15, 2010

5 months old

Becca is 5 months old now. Here is her picture with the bear:

She is getting so big! She weighs 16 pounds now (75-90%), and is 24.5 inches long (25%). She has become a great night sleeper. And I do mean GREAT - she will sleep for 12 hours at night, something Mr. Samuel has never done in his life. When she wakes up each morning, she is so happy to see all of us. Sometimes she wriggles like a little puppy when she first sees us, like "it's you guys again! I'm so glad!"

Other highlights in the past month include:
  • getting really good at using her hands to grab things nearby.
  • trying real food (sweet potatoes: thumbs down. Avocado, banana, applesauce: thumbs up. Oh, and one day at lunch she practically launched herself into the mashed potatoes I was eating because she wanted them so badly, so I gave her some and she LOVED them.)
  • pushing herself all the way up on her arms when she is lying on her stomach. I think she is going to be crawling before too long.
  • laughing and laughing at her crazy big brother's antics.


tanya said...

Oh my goodness, she is too cute! Love that outfit!

brewers said...

yea for sleeping through the night, becca! :)