Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 months old

Becca is 10 months old now. Almost a year already! Here are my attempts to take her picture with the bear. She was not interested in sitting still at all. I tried to give her a book to see if she would sit still, but then she just wanted to look at that and not at the camera. In the last picture she has spied the camera strap and is trying to grab it so she can eat it:

Notes about this month:
  • She now weighs 20 pounds and is 27.5" long, both about in the 50th percentile.
  • She is still a good eater and will try just about anything that I give her (and some things that I do not give her, but she has decided taste yummy, like paper, baby wipes, and woodchips from the playground.)
  • She pulls herself up to stand on everything, and can stand on her own for a few seconds at a time without holding on to anything. She wants to walk very badly, and will walk all around the house holding on to our fingers. I think real walking is going to happen soon.
  • She loves to play peekaboo, read books with pictures of babies, and go outside.
  • At 9 months old she had 2 teeth. She now has SEVEN. She got them all at once!
  • She adores her big brother and absolutely lights up when he walks into the room. She is constantly trying to pull his hair, which he is not a big fan of.
  • She likes to explore, and will open any cabinet that is not baby proofed to see what she can find inside. She loves the tupperware cabinet in particular. One day when I was making dinner, I opened the fridge and she crawled over to check it out:

1 comment:

blogger27494 said...

Aw.........She looks so happy and proud that she opened that frige door. Lol