Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mr. Samuel

Here are some pictures of what Samuel has been up to recently:

Painting. Messy = good.

Taking a break from playing by hanging out in the toy cabinet:

At a friend's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese:

Side note about Chuck E. Cheese: I remember going to a birthday party there for a friend when I was about 8 (I don't know if you read our blog or not, but hi Jenny Boucher!) As a kid, I remember thinking it was fun. As an adult, I hope we do not get invited to birthday parties there very often. It was absolutely insane. The zillions of kids running around screaming, only to be fueled by pieces of cake the size of their head. The fact that kids need to take their shoes off in one part of the play area, but then are too excited/impatient to play/hopped up on sugar to want to put them back on before they do something else so they are running around the entire germ-filled room with no shoes on. And, is it just me, or is Chuck E. Cheese himself kind of scary, old, and dirty looking? However, Samuel LOVED it. His level of excitement about being there could not have been matched if Santa Claus and Buzz Lightyear both arrived at our house to play with him at the same time. He asks all the time if we can go back. I hope we get a little time to recover before someone else we know has a party there.


Jennifer McHam said...

Ha! Tristan has not yet been to Chuck E. Cheese. It is the equivalent of the 6th ring of hell. In my humble opinion. We know people that take their kid their once a week as a treat. I'd rather eat dirt. Sorry you had to endure that dear friend.

brewers said...

This is why Chuck E. Cheese sells beer. ;)

aunti_bridget said...

Imagine this: feeding your child slices of pizza underneath the table thanking God there's a tablecloth and no one can see; while the friends who came to his birthday party enjoy the puppet show, autographing, cake slicing & games.Finish with the loving grandparent notification that we could have fed him pizza under the table at home for a lot less money or stress! Thank you very much for the experience, PJ; Momma loves you.