Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's That You Say?

What's that you say? Your dining room actually gets used for its intended purpose instead of being turned into Forts R Us on a daily basis?

What's that you say? Meetings of Masking Tape Wasters Anonymous do not happen in your house?

What's that you say? The toilet paper in your linen closet was not put away in this decorative manner?

What's that you say? The lights on your walkway are in some sort of line along the edge of your walkway and not all grouped together because clearly it is important to light this ONE SQUARE of walkway and leave the rest in the dark:

What's that you say? You have not had a box of donuts sitting on your counter for almost a week because someone refuses to let you throw them away even though they make an audible CRUNCHING sound when eaten?

What's that you say? You have never heard the words, "Mom! You may notice something different about me!" after naptime, and then looked upon this sight (that's a stamp all over his body):

What's that you say? You do not have a 5-year old boy at your house? Ah, everything makes perfect sense now.


Cori said...

hahaha! Samuel, Samuel, silly Samuel.

Holly said...

Oh you busy, busy boy!!