Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a lot of fun this Halloween carving pumpkins, choosing costumes, and going trick-or-treating. Here are some pictures of the kids:

Samuel decided to be Ironman, and Becca had 2 costumes this year because I happened to find a lobster costume at a garage sale this summer for 25 cents, and the Meg let us borrow a bee costume that Lilly wore when she was 1. The bee costume was much warmer, so she wore that out trick-or-treating. I couldn't resist taking pictures of her in the lobster costume, though:

Here are both kids ready to go trick-or-treating. Samuel, of course, loved walking around getting candy from people, and Becca seemed to have a great time looking at all of the costumes. She also loved whenever we went to a house with a dog (she LOVES animals.)


Cori said...

Haha! A lobster in a pot!

Jennifer McHam said...

awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! love the lobster in a pot!!!!!!! and love that I'm not the only one whose house is obsessed with superheroes!!!