Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moms Day at Preschool

Last week Samuel had a special day at preschool where all of the moms came in to school. The kids showed us around the classroom, gave their moms presents they made (a paper flower and a painting), and did centers with us. We also listened to a story, sang songs in chapel, and had to guess which picture about "what my mom likes" was by our kid (more on that below.)

Here are some pictures from the day:

Samuel and his friend Caitlyn doing neat shape puzzles:

This was Samuel's "what my mom likes" picture. Apparently the teacher wrote down verbatim what each kid said about their mom, and then the kids drew pictures to go with it. All of the pictures were up on a bulletin board with no names on them. You had to read each one and then flip it up to see if your child's name was on the back. I think if you click on the picture, you can see a larger view of it to read Samuel's words. His cracked me up, especially the part about not being sure what color hair I had, and the part about me liking to sleep because I get "woke up all the night." So true!

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

hahahahahahaha! love it! and you haven't aged a bit!!!!!