Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Last week was Samuel's graduation from preschool. I went a little overboard taking pictures and videos, as you can see below.

Here are Becca and Memere before the ceremony started:

The ceremony:

The class walking in to "Pomp and Circumstance" and then reciting the Pledge of Allegiance:

One of his teachers said what she would remember about each child. Here's what Ms. Chris will remember about Samuel:

Here the kids are singing some songs:

After the ceremony, we went back to the classroom for some snacks:

Here is Samuel with his teachers - Ms. Carol and Ms. Chris:

1 comment:

aunti_bridget said...

Congratulations, Sweetheart. We're so proud of you! What a big boy you've become. Great job on your songs and all the excellent things you learned in preschool. Off to the big school for you now kiddo!