Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dear Manufacturers of Children's Clothing,

Please stop making button down shirts for little boys. If you insist on selling these shirts, please include one of the following with each purchase:

a.) A time-stopping device, so that the child who is inisisting on doing every button himself can take 1 million hours to do this task and not have outgrown the shirt by the end of the process.

b.) Ear plugs for the parent sitting next to the child who must listen to "I want to do it by MYSELF!" "How do I do this?" "NO! Don't help me!" over and over again at a louder and louder volume each time.

c.) A prepackaged supply of Unlimited Amount of Patience for all parties involved.

Never again buying any 3T button down shirts


Jennifer McHam said...

HA! You are so funny! And so RIGHT. We are having some independence issues over here too. *sigh* Normal right????

aunti_bridget said...

Awe but they look so cute! put velcro down the center and tell him you bought the new cooler shirts.